Nye eBay regler
Er der nogen der på almindelig dansk kan forklare hvad dette helt præcist handler om?

"From 29 February 2016 , the use of product identifiers will be mandatory on eBay. This will apply to all new, relisted, revised and Good ‘Til Cancelled listings of new and manufacturer-refurbished items.This means that from the week of 29 February, you won’t be able to complete listing, relisting or revising items in these categories without including the required product identifiers. In addition, Good ‘Til Cancelled (GTC) listings in these categories will not be renewed if the required product identifiers are not added.We recommend you start adding product identifiers to your listings now to make sure you meet the 29 February deadline.Adding product identifiers helps give your listings better exposure on the site. In general, listings with product identifiers benefit from better visibility in search results, both on eBay and in search engines.Find out more about product identifiers in the Seller Centre. For more help and technical support contact our Customer Service. As always, thanks for selling with us."
Henry Lerche Rasmussen

Vulcain Owners Group
Jeg ved ikke om du allerede har fundet ud af det, men der står er følgende: Ovenstående gælder KUN hvis du skal sælge nye eller manufacturer-refurbished items (ved ikke helt hvordan jeg skal oversætte det, men det er f.eks. produkter, som har været ombyttet o.lign., som bliver repareret af producenten og solgt som refurbished/renoveret). Hvis du skal sælge sådanne eller nye varer, så skal du udfylde producentens varenummer og et Global Trade Number (GTN) når du sætter din vare til salg. Det betyder at du efter d. 29/2 ikke vil kunne sætte varer til salg uden af udfylde de oplysninger. Der står også, at hvis du har varer du allerede har sat til salg, som mangler de oplysninger, så vil de ikke automatisk blive fornyet efter d. 29/2. Igen det gælder kun for nye og refurbished varer og kun indenfor følgende kategorier:

As announced in March 2015, sellers who list branded items in new or manufacturer refurbished condition in the following categories are required to include the item's brand, manufacturer part number (MPN), and global trade item number (GTIN) to complete new listings and manual relists in these categories:
Business & Industrial (Electrical & Test Equipment, Healthcare Lab & Life Sciences, Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment P&A, MRO & Industrial Supply)
Cameras & Photo
Cell Phones & Accessories
Clothing, Shoes & Accessories (Shoes only)
Computers/Tablets & Networking
Consumer Electronics
DVDs & Movies
eBay Motors
Health & Beauty
Home & Garden (Tools and Appliances only)
Musical Instruments & Gear
Pet Supplies
Sporting Goods
Toys & Hobbies
Video Games & Consoles

Der står mere her: http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/...fiers.html

Tak for svar Icon_party
Jeg undre mig lidt over at f.eks ure ikke er medtaget.
Henry Lerche Rasmussen

Vulcain Owners Group

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