Real Debate
willy Skrev:I think this debate is turning into something that will end badly.For the first the JLC ad is nothing to do with the pictures or the articles mentioned so far in this blogg.I read this story on time zone or another blogg a long time ago.It is ridiculous to expect anyone to remember the excact time and where they read it.But i suppose in the future we could make it a rule that you are not allowed to write anything without comprehensive documentation Icon_rolleyes I would suggest instead for all this nit picking some of us started to do a little research on JLC and what this brand means to the swiss watch industry.And John JLC have made calibers at one time or another for just about every leading brand.You know as well has i do that for about one hundred years all the top brands sourced parts and calibers out of house and JLC were their largest supplier.I mean Patek only started to make their own watch cases a few years ago.IWC have used JLC for years so have AP. etc etc.It has always been a great tradition in the Swiss watch industry to out scource parts cases calibers etc etc.But it has never been public knowledge.It is only in recent years that because of the growing intrest for mechanical watches this knowledge has become public.If you read any older watch books you will not read that such and such a caliber is based on a ETA Or JLC etc etc caliber.No body in the watch trade talked about it becuase it was in some ways not important.But in recent years where so much is written about what some call true inhouse it as become of great intrest to watch freaks.I read a article recently from the boss of a well know Swiss brand where he mentioned that he was very sorry to see this tradition of out scourcing disappearing.You cannot hide much in the world today and brands that want to be inhouse have to be very carefull about how much they out scource.In the old days they just did not mention it.So i would suggest that anyone who has doubts about JLC contribution to the Swiss watch industry does a little research.And i suggest we do not delve to much into any article ever written.So please read read read more about JLC and their history . Icon_e_wink Willy
Du vrøvler Willy.

Jeg bad i går Howard Parr, Moderator på JLC forum, TimeZone & mangeårig Jaeger-LeCoultre entusiast, om assistance til et par links, så vi kunne blive lidt mere oplyste på denne sag.

Howard Parr har nu svaret tilbage: Han har aldrig nogensinde set, eller hørt om den omtalte reklame. Han har heller aldrig set, eller hørt om diskussioner på hverken TimeZone eller andre fora, affødt af denne reklame! Dette sagt af en mand der er særdels godt inde i Jaeger-LeCoultre. Skal love for de oplysninger putter sig godt!

Måske Willy er så vidende, at han er den eneste i hele verden der besidder viden om specifikke horologiske begivenheder?
Eller digter du lidt historier hist & pist Willy, så det passer ind i det du ønsker at formidle videre?
Dit behov for at fremstå vidende & oplyst er ....... atypisk!

”Der skal være plads til alle” ........ selv hulemænd & løgnagtige libertinere Icon_dash1

500 DKK i dusør til den der kommer med de links der er nødvendige.
Jesper Geisler
hannover_dk Skrev:JLC har da været med i basis for værker til nogle af de andre store - men det er jo ikke JLC værker der som sådan lå i Patek og AP

De der elsker JLC som Brøndby fans elsker Brøndby eller Fck FANS Fck - hold dog med jeres hold.Der er ikke mange der vil kalde JLC oprindelsen til Patek og AP´s historie - og nok heller ikke mange der samlet vil anbringe dem på siden af Patek, AP og VC -MEN
De har da fremragende ure - i fuld kontakt med toppen - men også et meget lavere bund niveau (tal om Brøndby)

Nå - Fred være med det, men det er nok lidt karakteristisk, at diskutionerne her på det "frie" forum er om netop frihed og uenighed om hvem der er størst Icon_e_wink
Hvad med Eterna <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Icon_rolleyes De lavede baggrunden for ETA (Ja ETernA) 2824 og 2892 - kom igen Patek
ps: HIK rykker nok op i Superligaen hvis Ole Madsen vender tilbage
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Kunne vi ikke prøve at komme tilbage til emnet og lade diskusionen om den pågældende reklame ligge. (eksisterende eller ej)
Det er ikke umiddelbart til at komme det nærmere, hvilket betyder at der ingen idé er, i at fortsætte med mudderkastningen Icon_exclaim

Tråden er på vej over i det personlige, hvilket er en af de få ting vi ikke accepterer.
Jeg låser ikke tråden "men back on track" ellers ender det sådan.
watchfreak2003 Skrev:
willy Skrev:I think this debate is turning into something that will end badly.For the first the JLC ad is nothing to do with the pictures or the articles mentioned so far in this blogg.I read this story on time zone or another blogg a long time ago.It is ridiculous to expect anyone to remember the excact time and where they read it.But i suppose in the future we could make it a rule that you are not allowed to write anything without comprehensive documentation Icon_rolleyes I would suggest instead for all this nit picking some of us started to do a little research on JLC and what this brand means to the swiss watch industry.And John JLC have made calibers at one time or another for just about every leading brand.You know as well has i do that for about one hundred years all the top brands sourced parts and calibers out of house and JLC were their largest supplier.I mean Patek only started to make their own watch cases a few years ago.IWC have used JLC for years so have AP. etc etc.It has always been a great tradition in the Swiss watch industry to out scource parts cases calibers etc etc.But it has never been public knowledge.It is only in recent years that because of the growing intrest for mechanical watches this knowledge has become public.If you read any older watch books you will not read that such and such a caliber is based on a ETA Or JLC etc etc caliber.No body in the watch trade talked about it becuase it was in some ways not important.But in recent years where so much is written about what some call true inhouse it as become of great intrest to watch freaks.I read a article recently from the boss of a well know Swiss brand where he mentioned that he was very sorry to see this tradition of out scourcing disappearing.You cannot hide much in the world today and brands that want to be inhouse have to be very carefull about how much they out scource.In the old days they just did not mention it.So i would suggest that anyone who has doubts about JLC contribution to the Swiss watch industry does a little research.And i suggest we do not delve to much into any article ever written.So please read read read more about JLC and their history . Icon_e_wink Willy
Du vrøvler Willy.

Jeg bad i går Howard Parr, Moderator på JLC forum, TimeZone & mangeårig Jaeger-LeCoultre entusiast, om assistance til et par links, så vi kunne blive lidt mere oplyste på denne sag.

Howard Parr har nu svaret tilbage: Han har aldrig nogensinde set, eller hørt om den omtalte reklame. Han har heller aldrig set, eller hørt om diskussioner på hverken TimeZone eller andre fora, affødt af denne reklame! Dette sagt af en mand der er særdels godt inde i Jaeger-LeCoultre. Skal love for de oplysninger putter sig godt!

Måske Willy er så vidende, at han er den eneste i hele verden der besidder viden om specifikke horologiske begivenheder?
Eller digter du lidt historier hist & pist Willy, så det passer ind i det du ønsker at formidle videre?
Dit behov for at fremstå vidende & oplyst er ....... atypisk!

”Der skal være plads til alle” ........ selv hulemænd & løgnagtige libertinere Icon_dash1

500 DKK i dusør til den der kommer med de links der er nødvendige.
Jesper is Howard Parr God? Does he read everything written about JLC across the world?Does he read every watch forum ? Maybe he does i do not know.But i do know one thing you do not seem very intrested in JLC history.You seem to be more intrested in mine.I did read the article i mentioned and i remember it because the writer mentioned that JLC stopped future publication because of the embarresment it would cause.Now what reason can you give me why on earth i should tell a lie on this site? I think most people who know me understand i try to always be as honest as possible.I think you have taken this to a very personal level.And i for one would never call anyone on this site a liar for any reason what so ever.I would once again suggest we research a little more JLC.And to post a 500kr reward i am lost for words Icon_e_surprised Willy
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
willy Skrev:Jesper is Howard Parr God?
This is probably one of the more relevant questions in this discussion. Some will even discuss if God is God - and if he is - what his name is ???????-
Very few will probably call him Howard - but they will kill to be right about his name - God - Allah as some of the most common discussion - and they will bring forward litterature to prove them right - and build temples in his name and kill for him. We are not there with our watches yet thanks Howard - God or Allah
Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
Besøg min blog med gode råd til iværksættere!
Besøg min blog om ure!
hannover_dk Skrev:
willy Skrev:Jesper is Howard Parr God?
This is probably one of the more relevant questions in this discussion. Some will even discuss if God is God - and if he is - what his name is ???????-
Very few will probably call him Howard - but they will kill to be right about his name - God - Allah as some of the most common discussion - and they will bring forward litterature to prove them right - and build temples in his name and kill for him. We are not there with our watches yet thanks Howard - God or Allah
Icon_sign Icon_sign Icon_sign Icon_sign Icon_sign Icon_sign Willy
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
God is Wayne Rooney. Willy
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
willy Skrev:Jesper is Howard Parr God? Does he read everything written about JLC across the world?Does he read every watch forum ? Maybe he does i do not know.But i do know one thing you do not seem very intrested in JLC history.You seem to be more intrested in mine.I did read the article i mentioned and i remember it because the writer mentioned that JLC stopped future publication because of the embarresment it would cause.Now what reason can you give me why on earth i should tell a lie on this site? I think most people who know me understand i try to always be as honest as possible.I think you have taken this to a very personal level.And i for one would never call anyone on this site a liar for any reason what so ever.I would once again suggest we research a little more JLC.And to post a 500kr reward i am lost for words Icon_e_surprised Willy
Willy, hør nu her gamle jas.

Du beskriver en episode vedr. Jaeger-LeCoultre. En 2-3 år gammel hændelse der ifølge dig, er diskuteret indgående på div. Fora rundt omkring i den store verden – bl.a. en af de største: TimeZone.
INGEN har hørt om, eller kan finde noget om den hændelse du påstår, skulle være passeret. Du ”gider” ikke engang selv deltage i eftersøgning af det vi godt kunne tænke os at se. Det er sgu’ da underligt!

De 500 DKK i dusør kunne måske anspore en der er dygtigere end gennemsnittet til at finde ting & sager på nettet.
Jeg synes jo stadig historien er fantastisk, og er meget interesseret i at læse om det.
Jesper Geisler
I do not believe it is the article that intrests you anymore Jesper.I think we should get back to the discussion about JLC.As i told you before if i fall across the article again you will be the first i will contact.I do not see that one article has so much to do with the history of JLC.So i will look forward to your input and knowledge about JLC. Willy
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
willy Skrev:I do not believe it is the article that intrests you anymore Jesper.I think we should get back to the discussion about JLC.As i told you before if i fall across the article again you will be the first i will contact.I do not see that one article has so much to do with the history of JLC.So i will look forward to your input and knowledge about JLC. Willy

Det selvfølgelig helt naturligt, at du prøver alt hvad du kan på, at få pilen til at pege væk fra dig selv.

I modsætning til dig, har jeg aldrig påstået, at ha’ det store begreb om JLC.

Uanset hvordan vi vender & drejer det så: Har du stukket en plade, omskrevet sandheden, fundet på en historie.

Du kan tro hvad du vil, men jeg er meget interesseret i diskussionerne du har ”opfundet” – og meget meget lidt interesseret i dig!

............ Men nu skal jeg nok lade dig få lidt fred. Håber din fremtid på ”Debatten” bliver nem & smertefri, så du uhindret kan få dine til lejligheden konstrueret ”røverhistorier”afleveret ukritisk!

Mojn Icon_clap
Jesper Geisler

Brugere der kigge i denne tråd: 2 gæst(er)