Det ultimative ur
ok willy.

Hvornår vil du mene Lange blev nr. 1?
hrlund123 Skrev:ok willy.

Hvornår vil du mene Lange blev nr. 1?
I think that with people who really know about watches , they are already nr.1 . Patek will carry on feeding the myth for as long as they can . But this does not worry Lange at all , they know that time is on their side . I personally think that in about 20 years Lange watches will reach higher prices than Patek at auctions . Lange have a no compromise way of making watches , that Patek are not even close to . Did you know that Lange are the only brand in the world who assemble all of their watches , and then take them apart again after checking all the functions . Then they assemble the watch again after giving each part a final finish . This is just one of the processes in making a Lange . Patek make superbly finished watches , no doubt about it . But Lange are in a class by themselves . I think Pateks rare watches and complications will be able to compete with Lange for ever , because of Pateks fantastic history . Auction prices for these models will always rise . But the title of The Worlds Best Factory Made Watch , today belongs to Lange .
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
willy Skrev:
hrlund123 Skrev:ok willy.

Hvornår vil du mene Lange blev nr. 1?
I think that with people who really know about watches , they are already nr.1 . Patek will carry on feeding the myth for as long as they can . But this does not worry Lange at all , they know that time is on their side . I personally think that in about 20 years Lange watches will reach higher prices than Patek at auctions . Lange have a no compromise way of making watches , that Patek are not even close to . Did you know that Lange are the only brand in the world who assemble all of their watches , and then take them apart again after checking all the functions . Then they assemble the watch again after giving each part a final finish . This is just one of the processes in making a Lange . Patek make superbly finished watches , no doubt about it . But Lange are in a class by themselves . I think Pateks rare watches and complications will be able to compete with Lange for ever , because of Pateks fantastic history . Auction prices for these models will always rise . But the title of The Worlds Best Factory Made Watch , today belongs to Lange .

ok, willy men jeg hvilket årstal vil du mene var året hvor Lange overhalede Patek? Var det i år 2000? 2005? 2010?
hrlund123 Skrev:
willy Skrev:
hrlund123 Skrev:ok willy.

Hvornår vil du mene Lange blev nr. 1?
I think that with people who really know about watches , they are already nr.1 . Patek will carry on feeding the myth for as long as they can . But this does not worry Lange at all , they know that time is on their side . I personally think that in about 20 years Lange watches will reach higher prices than Patek at auctions . Lange have a no compromise way of making watches , that Patek are not even close to . Did you know that Lange are the only brand in the world who assemble all of their watches , and then take them apart again after checking all the functions . Then they assemble the watch again after giving each part a final finish . This is just one of the processes in making a Lange . Patek make superbly finished watches , no doubt about it . But Lange are in a class by themselves . I think Pateks rare watches and complications will be able to compete with Lange for ever , because of Pateks fantastic history . Auction prices for these models will always rise . But the title of The Worlds Best Factory Made Watch , today belongs to Lange .

ok, willy men jeg hvilket årstal vil du mene var året hvor Lange overhalede Patek? Var det i år 2000? 2005? 2010?
That is a question no one can answer fully. Try googling a bit about Lange yourself . If i had to hazzard a guess , i would say when Lange launched the Datograph .
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Citat:Den lange, for pokker da, enhver urtosse vil få åndenød af at se den!!
Ikke her - højest æstetiske krampetrækninger... Sorry hvis jeg tramper jeres ømme tæer men jeg synes at de her monstre med decentrale visere og spacy og unødvendig skivedesign er så grimme at kun deres mor kan elske dem. Og firmaets marketingafdeling...
Nu har jeg ikke den store interesse for hverken Patek, Lange eller F.P.Journe og kan derfor ikke tale om horologien behind the ugly faces.
Ej hellere hvorvidt Lange har overhalet Patek... Det har de vist ikke ang. image hvis stor del er kontinuiteten.
Men Patrick Bateman ville sikkert købe en Zeitwork i platin. Og ham Putin osse.
Og husk nu at jeg argumenterer ikke, kun ytrer mig meget subjektivt Icon_e_wink Icon_e_surprised
Mvh. John - nu under det sorte flag*.
(*Jolly Roger, ikke IS !  Icon_blink )
Tio Malo Skrev:
Citat:Den lange, for pokker da, enhver urtosse vil få åndenød af at se den!!
Ikke her - højest æstetiske krampetrækninger... Sorry hvis jeg tramper jeres ømme tæer men jeg synes at de her monstre med decentrale visere og spacy og unødvendig skivedesign er så grimme at kun deres mor kan elske dem. Og firmaets marketingafdeling...
Nu har jeg ikke den store interesse for hverken Patek, Lange eller F.P.Journe og kan derfor ikke tale om horologien behind the ugly faces.
Ej hellere hvorvidt Lange har overhalet Patek... Det har de vist ikke ang. image hvis stor del er kontinuiteten.
Men Patrick Bateman ville sikkert købe en Zeitwork i platin. Og ham Putin osse.
Og husk nu at jeg argumenterer ikke, kun ytrer mig meget subjektivt Icon_e_wink Icon_e_surprised
Bateman <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Dette Eterna Valjoux 726 er mit drømmeur

Uret er ved at blive repareret af Lars, så der vil nok være stor gensynsglæde når det kommer til Næstved igen Icon_e_biggrin
Ved godt at det på ingen måder er der fornemste/dyreste ur, men der er og forbliver mit yndlings "ultimative" ur Icon_mrgreen


"Billedet er desværre hugget fra nettet, da jeg ikke lige kan huske hvor jeg har billeder af mit eget"
That is a hell of a beautifull looking watch .
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Enig et herligt good looking ur,
Fedt at du er loyal mod dit synspunk og ønske,
selvom om penge ikke skulle være med i overvejelserne.

Alt for tit ser man det modsatte i denne verden af vores. <!-- s:? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:? -->
Yoshikazu Akahane. 28/+50.

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