AP - Patek - JLC which one is the best buy ?
When we are talking about buying watches in the 50-150000 dkr price range i think JLC win this competition hands down . Forget personal preference for a while , and think about pure watchmaking achievment and future investment .

We can take three watches and compare them . The AP Royal Oak is a classic watch , but compair the price of a 2 year old Oak with a new model and you will get an idea of just how much this watch loses on its new price . It is the same story with Pateks bread & butter models like the Calatrava - Aquanaut - Nautilus . These watches have another thing in common . They are all for the most time and date only caliber watches , and they are made in the thousands . They are not rare and will be fairly easy to find , also when we look many years ahead . Of course the finish is superb and both brands belong at the near top of the watch tree . They will always hold a good price compaired to most other brands , and they are easy to sell again if the price is right . But lets get rid of the myth that a lot of so called watch experts try to tell you . They say these watches are like money in the bank , and the top of Swiss watchmaking know how . I say Bullshit , these watches are no where near the top of the tree in this respect .

Now i will name just one watch that more than proves my point , and it is in the same price class as a used AP Royal Oak or Patek Aquanaut . The watch is the JLC Master Grand Reveil . This is a true multi complication watch , that is in a different class to the AP or Patek models named above . In terms of watchmaking , it beats them easily . You get a Perpetual Calander - Weekday - Month - Year - Moonphase - and Alarm that can be changed to vibration . It is also the only Perpetual that shows the year in four digits . The caliber consists of 363 individual parts that are finished to the level of most high end brands out there .

Now if we look 20-30-40 years to the future , can you imagine any time date only watch that will cost more than this JLC ? Maybe a very rare model could , but i doubt it . Handbuilt watches will become rare and more and more expensive in the future . And Complication watches made by brands like JLC will not be getting cheaper in the future . A compairable complication watch by Patek or AP would cost well over 500000dkr from new .

JLC is the brand that developed and made most of the calibers that built the reputations of AP and Patek - and many other brands . This is why they are known as , The Watchmakers Watch . If you look at the international prices of watches , and make a special point of looking at the prices of watches that have several complications in them . You will i think see what i mean about the Price of these watches . Usually the more complications means more price .

Just remember that owning such a watch is like owning a Ferrari , complicated means more money for service . This JLC Master Grand Reviel is for sale in Denmark for ca. 94000dkr . Or you can buy a AP Royal Oak for nearly the same price Icon_e_smile And i would eat my bloody hat if that JLC does not cost more than the Oak in twenty or forty years time .
[url]"http://vintageure.dk/desktopdefault.aspx?tabindex=7&tabid=78&userid=1713">http://vintageure.dk/desktopdefault.asp ... serid=1713[/url]
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Jeg er stor JLC fan,
Og jeg ville også tag en JLCet any Day of the week.

Jeg mener at JLC ure som koster det samme som PP og AP
Sagtens kan måle sig med dem, at mange så tænker mindre om dem
Fordi deres entry modeller er billigere syntes jeg er noget bullshit Icon_e_wink

Men jeg er også STOR JLC fan <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
Har set modellen live en gang og den er bare for fed/blæret Icon_cool
Yoshikazu Akahane. 28/+50.

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