Design elements
It would be very interesting to hear from our readers , about what they like or do not like about the design of their watches . The perfect
watch does not exist , so come with your small or big complaints about your own watches .

1. It is a irritation for me , that i have to unscrew the crown of my IWC Aquatimer everytime i have to wind it up . I know it is important
for the Water resistance of the watch . But i wish they would invent something that did away with this , because i think it just causes
wear on the srcrew .

2. I like lume on my watches . And would like to see all watches with permanent lume , without the need to hold a bloody
flashlight on them for 5 minutes . Some do exist but the lume is not great .

3. Watches without micro adjustment of the bracelet , and the possibility to adjust quickly because of wrist expansion in the heat .

There are many more , but i will not list them all . I know some of my
complaints are because i am getting lazy . <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> But sometimes i think some brands make watches , with their heads stuck
under their arms .

- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil
Jeg ville gerne have af Omega lavede Seamaster chrono i quartz foruden mekaniks. Slut med indstilling af tid mere end 2 gange om året og aldrig mere tænke på at skulle trække det op. (har købt mig en watchwinder af samme grund).

Mht. dit IWC aquatimer, så må du købe dig en watchwinder Icon_razz

Det bedste lume jeg har set nogensinde er Tritium rør fra Vostok-Europe Lunokhod line med lodrette rør. Dog er uret jo quartz så kun få ældre ur freaks ønsker det.

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