mojohe Skrev:
willy Skrev:Hi Morten . You are missing the point here . It is not about putting people down or trying to hurt their feelings . Its about being honest . I do not like back clappers or liars . When someone asks for an opinion on a watch site , i am sure that most of us would like an honest answer . This is about the only way guys like you can learn something about watches . You will learn absolutly nothing if you surround yourself with people who have only one interest . And that is to sell you something . The watchworld is a circus where new beginners are dragged by the nose around the ring . is a seller site that is owned by people who allow selling tactics on the forums . That is not allowed on this forum . Kim who started Itstime wanted a forum without the restrictions we have here , and that is fair enough . We exist in peace side by side with no bad feelings . But one thing is for sure if you ask me about the watch you have just bought , you will get an honest answer . And i would not consider at all , if you were going to like the answer . This is not a kindergarden it is a serious watch site which most people visit to learn something about watches . And i think we owe it to them to be honest .

Hej Willy.
Så er det fordi vi misforstår hinanden. En "anmeldelse" af et ur på et forum må i min verden bestå af noget subjektivt; hvordan opfatter jeg uret, er designet rigtigt, passer størrelsen mig, er materialet rigtig for mig...etc og så noget objektivt; kvalitet af materialer, finish, holdbarhed, servicepriser.........etc. Jeg kan sagtens give et bud på det subjektive; som fx synes jeg at AP RO er super kikset. Min pointe er at jeg tvivler på hvor mange der egentlig har ballast til at udtale sig om det objektive ( som fx hvor godt er værket i en PP chronograph contra værket i en ALS Datograph ). Jeg kan læse mig frem til at værket var bedst i ALS og PP derfor måtte "oppe" sig og lave et nyt værk der kunne matche ( ved ikke om det er lykkedes ) MEN min pointe er at jeg ikke har haft begge ure oppe mod hinanden og selvom jeg sad med begge i hver sin hånd ville jeg ikke have en chance for at bidrage med noget nyt for noget fora i urverdenen. Alt hvad jeg kan bidrage med er hvad jeg kan læse mig frem til ( altså noget andre har konstateret, oplevet eller fundet på? ). Eller hvad jeg synes og vil kloge mig på. Så må vi håbe at den ærlighed du efterlyser udspringer af ekspertise og ikke af tilfældige kloge-Åger.
Det jeg siger er at vi alle skal tage med et gran salt hvad vi bliver konfronteret med på nettet.

PS Smid gerne et par eksempler på salgstaktik på itstime
It is always up to the individual to make up their own mind on who to believe . All people can do is give an opinion . If you think you can provoke an argument between this site and , think again . I have already given my opinion on that . I suggest you let people make up their own minds about what they believe or do not believe . You are obviously happy writing on ItsTime . dk , so why not continue with that . And you are right that many things written about watches should be taken with a gran of salt , especially when they are written with an ulterior motive . But believe it or not there are still a lot of honest experts who write about watches . You just have to take the time to find them . I think we can agree that watches are the main interest for people who visit watch sites . And nobody knows everything there is to know on that subject . So we are just giving our opinions , and nothing more .
- Jeg er engelsk - bor i Danmark, forstår dansk - men foretrækker at skrive på engelsk Icon_smil

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