Spørgsmål om kvalitet
jacob jensen Skrev:Du læser jo ikke hvad jeg skriver hannover men danner dit eget billed igen igen Icon_e_confused
jeg har intet imod at din teammate Geodoc viser hvor sueræn Omega er i nogle rigtig gamle test,men jeg syntes hans beskrivelse og dom over willys verden
ender med at han rent faktisk selv anpriser (dårligt ordvalg når man ikke har glimtet i øjet med da det rent faktisk er strafbart)

Til sidst må du godt lige fortælle mig hvorfor jeg skulle protesterer imod at nogle sagde noget godt om
2 mærker jeg holder af Icon_question

Kan du ikke lige linke til tråde hvor du køre den praksis
nu har jeg rent faktisk sagt noget dårligt om både JLC og Rolex flere gange men det kræver man læser indlæggende.
Icon_cry Icon_redface Icon_cry Icon_redface
Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
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Hej Viper

Hvis vi skal snakke mere om Omega må du vist over på Omega forum. Jeg bidrager ikke i tråde som denne er ved at udvikle sig til.

vh Baun
hannover_dk Skrev:
Geodoc Skrev:Omfatter ens kvalitetsbegreb også respekten for evnen til at fungere nøjagtigt - og oven i købet bedst, kan man roligt købe nedenstående ur.
..... og det er jo ikke engang særlig grimt Icon_e_wink

Omega konkurrence kronometer kaliber 30T2 RG SC.
Fine tal og jo gode nok. Trådstarter gør det jo nok lidt vanskeligt ved at skrive om kvalitetskravet:
Citat:Louis-XVI Bornholmer 205 år gammel, hele værket er lavet i hånden alle tandhjul er målt op og filet i hånden da den er lavet ca 20år før den første indelingsmaskine blev bevilliget af konget og kom til Bornholm

Det møder man jo knapt i Patek eller Lange helt ærligt, men netop Omega har jo vundet et utal kronometer konkurrencer både i CH og i greenwich UK
Det viste ur er jo så forbandet smukt at det skærer i øjnene, men må vel være ny skive og visere eller? - SÅ forbandet smukt

@jacob - du bliver så ked af det hvis nogen skriver pænt om andet end JLC og Rolex (det har jeg aldrig set dig protestere mod) men Geodoc viser Omega har lavet masser af super kvalitet - og Omega er jo faktisk med i trådstarters spørgsmål om det er kvalitet - som helt fejes af bordet af Willy, så jeg synes det er relevant og veldokumenteret, hvilket altid løfter en tråd.

Jeg ved godt Willy ser på bornholmeren i spørgsmålet og nok ser på nyere ure - og tager alle 4 nævnte over en kam - hvilket heller ikke er helt let, og der er jo ikke rigtig nogen fornuftig sammenligning mellem et 250 år gammelt håndbygget værk og et nyt armbåndsur Icon_e_smile Jeg tror bare det var for at vise kvalitetskrav uden helt sammenhæng.

yes i was talking about the bornholmer kontra a new watch.And in that context the only comparison today is a watch like a Lang or PP.If you want that kind of hand build then you have to go after a vintage for example Omega. Willy
willy Skrev:yes i was talking about the bornholmer kontra a new watch.And in that context the only comparison today is a watch like a Lang or PP.If you want that kind of hand build then you have to go after a vintage for example Omega. Willy
and yes I get/got your point - though comparing such an old hand build clock (Bornholmer) with a modern wrist watch does not make so much point

Still even in new watches (and bugger- I do not remember for certain, but think the question was
Omega/tissot/fortis/certina) - you should see a difference between the brands, and the person asking, and putting quality high, could probably be happy with a new Omega 8500 og 8501 co-axial in-house watch (but probably also finding that expensive judging from the brands there was in question)

It is not with hand made components all the way and not patek - but it is quality and miles above the other 3 brands the thread starter asked about, and can in all fairness be described as a good quality wrist watch.
I did get you point however Icon_e_biggrin but also that it was very much jumping to a very fast solution when comparing a 250 years old bornholmer with a new watch.

@The person asking in the first place: - you can find watches in all the 4 brands you asked about (if I am right in remembering) that will last your life if taken care of, and keep reasonable time.

OF the 4 brands you ask about - Omega has historically produced the by far highest quality, and also today, you can find very good quality from them - but not hand build to detail Icon_cool

Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
Besøg min blog med gode råd til iværksættere!
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hannover_dk Skrev:
willy Skrev:yes i was talking about the bornholmer kontra a new watch.And in that context the only comparison today is a watch like a Lang or PP.If you want that kind of hand build then you have to go after a vintage for example Omega. Willy
and yes I get/got your point - though comparing such an old hand build clock (Bornholmer) with a modern wrist watch does not make so much point

Still even in new watches (and bugger- I do not remember for certain, but think the question was
Omega/tissot/fortis/certina) - you should see a difference between the brands, and the person asking, and putting quality high, could probably be happy with a new Omega 8500 og 8501 co-axial in-house watch (but probably also finding that expensive judging from the brands there was in question)

It is not with hand made components all the way and not patek - but it is quality and miles above the other 3 brands the thread starter asked about, and can in all fairness be described as a good quality wrist watch.
I did get you point however Icon_e_biggrin but also that it was very much jumping to a very fast solution when comparing a 250 years old bornholmer with a new watch.

@The person asking in the first place: - you can find watches in all the 4 brands you asked about (if I am right in remembering) that will last your life if taken care of, and keep reasonable time.

OF the 4 brands you ask about - Omega has historically produced the by far highest quality, and also today, you can find very good quality from them - but not hand build to detail Icon_cool

Yes of the 4 brands i would take the Omega but not a new one Icon_e_wink Willy

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