Det 4. Vintage ur Ikon?
Baun Skrev:
Claus_K Skrev:Swatch <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> har da i den grad sat deres fodaftryk i den horologiske udvikling.

Eller et G-Shock, eller noget Seiko Icon_mrgreen

Du glemmer vist titlen på konkurencen - Det 4. Vintage ur ikon

vh Baun

Hvornår er noget vintage?

I min verden er de tidlige firsere vintage, og det kvalificerer ovenstående Icon_e_smile
Claus_K Skrev:Hvornår er noget vintage?

I min verden er de tidlige firsere vintage
Hvilket stemmer fint overens med Bauns "mere end 25 år".

I mine øjne skal vi dog en tand længere tilbage - til pre 80'erne (hvilket så igen stemmer overens med Mads' "30-35 år").
Venlig hilsen
Claus_K Skrev:
Baun Skrev:
Claus_K Skrev:Swatch <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> har da i den grad sat deres fodaftryk i den horologiske udvikling.

Eller et G-Shock, eller noget Seiko Icon_mrgreen

Du glemmer vist titlen på konkurencen - Det 4. Vintage ur ikon

vh Baun

Hvornår er noget vintage?

I min verden er de tidlige firsere vintage, og det kvalificerer ovenstående Icon_e_smile

Jo jo - men Vintage ikoner er de vel ikke - eller?

vh baun
Jeg taler heller ikke vintage om 80er ure. Tilbage mindst til halvfjerserne - så mindst 30-35 år.

JLC reverso og cartie tank - det bliver et af de to jeg stemmer på tror jeg - et alternativ kunne ha været Zenith el Primero som godt måtte med på listen + selvfølgeligt Omega Piepan
Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
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Baun Skrev:Jo jo - men Vintage ikoner er de vel ikke - eller?

vh baun

Hmm - egentlig skrev jeg det mest for sjov, men efter at ha' tænkt lidt over det, så måske jov - på sin egen måde.

Et G-Shock kunne være et ikon for de meget hårdføre ure...

Et Seiko, ved at påvise at man kan få kvalitet og mekanik til lav pris

Og Swatch-urene må i den grad siges at være ikoner for "mode ure" op igennem firserne... bare se hvad det har ført "Swatch brandet" til i dag Icon_e_smile

Ingen af dem er måske det 4. ikon, men de har i hvert fald hver især en betydelig plads i historien Icon_e_smile
hannover_dk Skrev:
Jesper B Skrev:
willy Skrev:Maybe you have had a vote on Vintage watches.But that means nothing except in Denmark maybe,or maybe just on this blogg.In the rest of the world the ikons are watches like Royal Oak,Rolex Oyster,PP.Calatrava,IWC Portuguese,JLC Reverso,etc etc.The only one that is right is the Sub Rolex.Willy
How fortunate we are to have your insight to enlighten us all. Only bad thing is that it is not correct. As vintage watches, you could no doubt find the same list internationally:
Rolex Submariner
Omega Speedmaster
Breitling Navitimer

Not necessarily the same, but do not say that this is totally wrong for vintage icons. Royal Oak is nice PP Calatrave too - but they are not bigger icons than the once mentioned. You make the big mistake of putting your own opinion in - and then mixing it up what must be what the "international watch world things"
That is not helpful to anything.

A watch icon is a single watch design with remains on the memory of people, and the three chosen are very correct - or at least as correct as they might have been internationally.
A fan of JLC - like Jacob - may feel bad that it is not a JLC - and I would think that the reverso is not a bad suggestion in that connection - but this not the place to call other peoples votes silly or wrong, or locally danish - but a place to suggest your own - no 4 to ??

Do not patronise and look down on things here in Denmark - thinking you always know better because you have out of our little country. We are not as small or silly as you may think Willy - and you know I have respect for your knowledge.
I do not look down on Denmark in anyway.But i do mean that for example a Reverso or a Tank for that matter are bigger Ikons in the world of watches than any on your list.I mean half the world knows what a Rolex Oysterdate is and about less than 1% know what a Brietling navitimer is.The market prices tell the truth here.Take a look at the prices on your list and compare them with the prices on my list of watches.In my humble opinion the greatest Ikon in the world of watches must be the Rolex Submariner.No other watch has been copied like this watch.It alone created a Industry for sport watches.And the price for them vintage speaks for its self.Omega speedy is the most famous Omega in the world,thats it.But a speedy did nothing new in the watch world,so in my mind its not a ikon,and the same i can say about Brietling.These watches did nothing to change the face of watchmaking so how can you call them Ikons? JLC reverso is unique in the watch world so is the royal oak they created something new like the submariner and changed the watch industry.They are true ikons mr.Hannova. Willy. P:S I was not giving just my own opinion please try not to put words in my mouth about what i mean or do not mean.I never do that to you.You like me have your own opinion lets leave it at that Icon_e_wink
willy Skrev:I do not look down on Denmark in anyway.But i do mean that for example a Reverso or a Tank for that matter are bigger Ikons in the world of watches than any on your list.I mean half the world knows what a Rolex Oysterdate is and about less than 1% know what a Brietling navitimer is.The market prices tell the truth here.Take a look at the prices on your list and compare them with the prices on my list of watches.In my humble opinion the greatest Ikon in the world of watches must be the Rolex Submariner.No other watch has been copied like this watch.It alone created a Industry for sport watches.And the price for them vintage speaks for its self.Omega speedy is the most famous Omega in the world,thats it.But a speedy did nothing new in the watch world,so in my mind its not a ikon,and the same i can say about Brietling.These watches did nothing to change the face of watchmaking so how can you call them Ikons? JLC reverso is unique in the watch world so is the royal oak they created something new like the submariner and changed the watch industry.They are true ikons mr.Hannova. Willy. P:S I was not giving just my own opinion please try not to put words in my mouth about what i mean or do not mean.I never do that to you.You like me have your own opinion lets leave it at that Icon_e_wink
I would not put words in your mouth, but you do often express things as if you are the international guy knowing the international watch world better than any - and no doubt you know a lot. I think we largely agree - but maybe look at the word icon from different perspectives. Most icons in you world would be something that changed the watch world - and I think you would have to go back a long time to find them.
I have nothing against the reverso or the RO but maybe I do not find then great inventions as such - changing the world of watches - I find the submariner belonging there - and maybe the Eterna 3000 as mother to 100´s of brands of affordable watches - or you have to go back to the invention of shock protection, bimetallic balances and things like that.

I do not THINK Baun is looking for the biggest changes or inventions, or for what mr everyman things - but for what is icons in the eyes of watch people. In fact, the vote in it self shows that - with the speedmaster as one of the three. NOT because it changed the watch industry, but for what it was used for and the fascination. MAYBE it did change things - we cannot let what was done undone to check - but MAYBE Rolex with its oyster and Omega with its speedmaster did more than we know or think, to keep the wrist watch on the wrist even today Icon_e_biggrin

Calling a vote - as the one we have had - and its conclusion - not correct - or the result coming from people without insight - even if YOU disagree - is not right.

All the best - have a great saturday night evening Willy -
Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
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Zenith El Primero - yes et godt bud.

Vi er oppe på 12 på listen - og i sn afstem kan ku være 10, så 2 skal pilles af før afstemningen sættes op.

vh Baun
Baun Skrev:Zenith El Primero - yes et godt bud.

Vi er oppe på 12 på listen - og i sn afstem kan ku være 10, så 2 skal pilles af før afstemningen sættes op.

vh Baun
Your problem sir
god lørdag aften
Mvh. John  - Glad for ure og frisk på lidt iværksætterråd.
Besøg min blog med gode råd til iværksættere!
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Ja jeg overvejer et eller andet udskildningsløb hvor man tager ure med lave stemmetal ud og fortsætter med resten. det bliver så til flere afstemninger, men på den måde kan de der stemmer på en som ikke får stemmer nok, få mulighed for at omplacere stemmen.

Det er jo vigtigt at det går rigtigt til Icon_e_wink

vh Baun

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