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Music videos - willy - 10-12-2020

Thought it might be a idea, with some of our readers favorite music videos. I will start off with Danny who is considered by many to be the greatest living rock drummer. He plays in the American band Tool, a group that have achieved worldwide cult status.This is not your average metal band to say the least, and they are well worth a google. Incredible they set many new records on the music scene last year, and outsold artists like Taylor Swift, but still many people over here have never heard about them. Since John Bonham the drummer in Led Zeppelin, there has never been a drummer who could compare with him. This guy can!

PS.Incredible talented kids doing a Tool song cover.

If you have any favorite videos, please post them.

RE: Music videos - Avantismo - 10-12-2020

Jeg er kæmpe fan af denne .....

Music videos - mikkelbl - 10-12-2020

Ha ha, du har lige lagt kimen til et godt gammeldags keyboardslagsmål  Icon_e_biggrin1

Jo Danny Carey er en meget talentfuld herre som har inspireret mange af nutidens trommeslagere, men at udnævne ham som den længe ventet overtager fra Bonham passer ikke. 
I 60-70'erne tid var der mange teknisk dygtigere trommeslagere end Bonham (f. eks. Paice, Moon, Bruce, Appice), men grunden til Bonham ofte fremhæves som den "bedste," er at hans relative simple spillestil spilles med et groove på den über-fede måde.

Den musikalsk-tekniske udvikling indenfor rytmisk musik har undergået en kollosal forvandling de sidste 10-20 år; se bare på YT hvor en masse 10-14 årige - gerne asiatiske piger - sidder og spiller 1-1 kopier af den ene klassiker efter den anden. Teknisk meget imponerende men uden nerve - det kan i nogens tilfælde måske komme ned alderen.
Og siden du nævner metal, så får du her en af de største pt (sidste 20 år).

PS Er du til guldure, er det nok ikke noget for dig  Icon_lol

RE: Music videos - willy - 10-12-2020

Used to teach people about rock music, and i know many of the best English players. So forget the gold watch  Icon_lol Icon_lol You cannot compare Moon to Bonham or any of the others you name. They were all good drummers, but Bonham introduced a new way of playing that was copied by thousands of rock drummers world wide. Danny has done the same,he is copied by many because he is unique. The drummer in your video is just another heavy metal drummer that does nothing we have not heard before. Paice once said by the way, that Bonham changed the face of rock Icon_smil Used to know Keith Moon, and he was a crazy bugger Icon_smil He played with incredible passion but he did not have great technique at all. Charlie Watts being an ex Jazz drummer was one with great technique. If i had to name the greatest drummer ever in terms of technique i would without hesitation name Buddy Rich. But like you say technique alone does not make you a great rock drummer.

Look at this if you like technique.

And of course one of the greatest who sadly died this year.

RE: Music videos - mikkelbl - 10-12-2020

(10-12-2020, 07:57 PM)willy Skrev: The drummer in your video is just another heavy metal drummer that does nothing we have not
heard before.

Ha ha - den var god. Det har du sgu' ikke meget forstand på Willy. Nu kan du af gode grunde ikke spørge Keith Moon, men kender du nogen nulevende slagtøjsmusikere, så prøv at spørge dem om de kender Tomas Haake, og om hvilken betydning Tomas har haft på trommespillet de sidste 20 år.

RE: Music videos - willy - 10-12-2020

(10-12-2020, 08:21 PM)mikkelbl Skrev: Ha ha - den var god. Det har du sgu' ikke meget forstand på Willy. Nu kan du af gode grunde ikke spørge Keith Moon, men kender du nogen nulevende slagtøjsmusikere, så prøv at spørge dem om de kender Tomas Haake, og om hvilken betydning Tomas har haft på trommespillet de sidste 20 år.
I know him, and he is a good drummer, but his influence is very limited outside of metal. If he was as well known as you say he is, then he would be on any list of the greatest rock drummers, but he is not. And i do know many living rock drummers believe me. Sometimes it comes down to what style you like or dislike, i always try to
be objective with music. So on this one we will never agree Icon_smil

PS. Tomas was years ahead of any other metal drummers, i will give you that. Tool or Led Zep are not metal and their music is not in that category. Look at this if you still say i know nothing about Tomas haake.


You can see he is only number 93 on this list. Like i said.he had limited influence outside of metal.

RE: Music videos - mikkelbl - 10-12-2020

Nu var det dig Willy og dit første indlæg, som kom ind på METAL og som jeg primært svarede på - derfor Tomas Haake. Og jeg kan garantere dig for, at kun et lille udsnit af min pladesamling (10.000+ LP samt 5 fyldte maxiflyttekasser CD'er) er repræsenteret af metalgenren. Af forsikringsgrunde er alle min køb elektronisk dokumenteret, og jeg kan informere at de sidste 5 indkøbte LP'er er: Dark Buddha Rising, Bremer/McCoy, Lou Reed, Arvo Pärt, Other Lives. Siden du helt sikker kender dem alle indgående - personligt som musikalsk, kan du jo godt se, at min smag ikke alene er METAL men musik generelt. Og som sæson-musiker (trommer, guitar og smule tangenter) har jeg også 35 års praktisk viden, hvilket gør encyklopædisk viden, namedropping og populærmagasinlister en smule overflødige i min egen personlige meningsdannelse.
Modsat dig tror jeg ikke nødvendigvis, at vores præferencer er så forskellige. 

Alligevel, come on: Charlie Watts er da noget af det mest intetsigende.

Music videos - willy - 10-12-2020

icon_lol: Icon_lol Good answer, its nice to talk to someone who knows their music.Charlie is a very underrated drummer if you ask me.He has the ability being ex jazz to make things look easy, and his timing is fantastic. Even so i would never put him in the top 50 of the drummers i listen to. I like all types of music, that comes from the heart, if you know what i mean. From Maria Callas to the Clash they all have a place. Do you like James Williamsen? He is one of the most underrated rock guitarists ever in my opinion. Excuse the name dropping, i often do it without thinking. And i agree these polls about the greatest etc etc are mostly a waste of time. Many of the greatest were unknown to the great public. Icon_smil

RE: Music videos - willy - 11-12-2020

Recorded a few days before he died, a song written by Trent Reznor singer from Nine Inch Nails. One of the most touching songs about addiction ever written. Both men were former addicts. Funny this song sold millions in the USA, but did not get much playtime in Europe.

RE: Music videos - Stensbjerg - 11-12-2020

Kan lide så meget forskelligt men WT syntes jeg er stærkt undervurderet.

Skulle have været til koncert med ham inden der gik mexi øl i samfundet. Icon_e_confused

Skal vi snakke trommer så har SE min dybeste beundring.